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Colombia Tolima China Alta

Colombia Tolima China Alta

Cupping Notes:

Raw sugar sweetness is followed by brighter fruit accents, with notes of unrefined sugars and candied walnuts, apple cider, and complex malic acidity. Dark roasts had chocolate and berries.

Region: China Alta, Tolima
Variety: Caturra, Variedad Colombia, Typica
Altitude: ~1850-1950 masl
Processing: Wet Process (Washed)
Certification: Farm Gate

Farm Description:

 This lot is a blend of coffees from small producers in the town of China Alta, not too far from Ibagué, Tolima's capitol city. It was purchased through a local coffee association in China Alta where farmers are paid premiums for their coffees based on quality, rather than receive a flat price. A percentage of the profits is also returned to association members in the form of agronomical and business support. The coffees in China Alta are grown between 1850 and 1950 meters above sea level and the cultivars typically grown are Caturra and Variedad Colombia. Some of the farmers are mixing batches from up to a few days in the fermentation tanks, changing the water with each days addition in order to keep the coffee from over fermenting. We've seen this in a lot of other parts of Colombia too, and when managed properly, can lead to a fairly fruited cup for a wet-process coffee. 

      Description from Coffee Shrub.

      Regular price $18.00 USD
      Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
      Sale Subscribers Only
      Whole Bean or Ground
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